Page 57 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 57


        •• 0 2 0 2  NEWS  [June 8-11, 1702]

            The  Pacquet-Boats  which  were  formerly  employed  from  Fa/mouth  to  Cornnna,  are  ordered  to  go  for  the  future
        between Fa/mouth and Lisbon.

        •• 0 2 0 3  NEWS  [June 18-22, 1702]

            These are to give  Notice, That on Tuesday next,  being the 23d Instant, the Mail for  Portugal will be sent from  the
        General Post Office, and continue so to do for the future every 14 days as formerly.

        -- 0 2 0 4  NEWS  [June 18-22, 1702]
            The Post will go every day during the Summer Quarter to Tunbridge, from whence the Letters will be conveyed to the
        Wells as formerly.

        •• 0 2 0 5  NEWS  [August 27-31, 1702]

            These  are  to  give  Notice,  That  during  Her  Majesty's  Residence  at  the  Bath,  the  Post will  go  and  come  between
        London and the Bath every day in the week.

        -· 0 2 0 6  NEWS  [November 5-7, 1702]
            These are to give Notice, That an Advice-Boat will sail on the 16th of this Month, Wind and Weather permitting, for
       Barbadoes, Antegoa,  Montserat,  Nevis,  St.  Christophers,  and Jamaica;  and that all Persons who have any Letters for the said
        Islands, may send them to the General Post-Office in Lombard-street,  London, on or before the 14th Instant, where Care
        will be taken they be put up in the several Bags for the respective Islands, and sent by the said Vessel.

        -- 0 3 0 1  NEWS  [January 11-14, 1703]  {Julian Calendar: January 11-14, 1702}

            Whereas Her Majesty, for  the Encouragement of Trade and Commerce, bath thought fit to  appoint Boats to convey
        Letters  and  Pacquets  between  England  and  the  Islands  of Barbadoes,  Antego,  Montserat,  Nevis,  St.  Christophers,  and
       Jamaica,  in America; This is  to give  Notice, That a Mail for  the above-mentioned Islands will go  from  the General Post-
        Office in London  on Saturday  the  23d Instant,  and  the  next  Mail will go  from  the  said Office  on  Thursday  the  25th  of
       Febntary next,  and thenceforward on the last Thursday in every Month; And Her Majesty,  pursuant to the Statute made in
        the Twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, for Establishing a Post-Office, bath Directed and Empowered the Postmaster
        General of England  to  take for  the  Port  of all  Letters  and  Pacquets that  shall be  convey'd by  the said  Boats,  between
       London and any of the abovementioned Islands, the Rates as  follows:  For every Letters not exceeding one Sheet of Paper
        9d.  For  every Letter  not exceeding  two  Sheets of Paper  ls. 6d.  For every Pacquet weighing an  Ounce  2s. &i. and so  in

        •• 0 3 0 2  NEWS  [June 14-17, 1703]

            These  are  to  give  notice,  that  whereas  on  the  7th  Instant  the  Mail  of Letters,  containing  the  Bags  of Sheffield,
        Chesterfield, and Mansfield,  coming up to London, was lost or destroy'd betwixt Mansfield and Nottingham; the Post-Boy
        who rid with the same not being yet found or heard of;  if any Person, having found the said Mail, will deliver it to the next
        Deputy Post-Master, or discover the Post-Boy, (so as he may be secured) he shall have a Reward of Five Pounds, to be paid
        by the Post-Master of Nottingham.

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