Page 54 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 54



            * 9 9 0 3  NEWS  [June 12-15, 1699]

                The Intercourse by Letters between England and the Spanish Netherlands (by the way of Dover) being Re-established,
            These are to give  Notice,  that the Mails will begin to go  on Monday next  the 19th Instant, and so  continue every Monday
            and Friday as before the War. Likewise, for  the Convenience of Merchants, the Spanish  Mail (by way of the Groyne)  will
            not depart from  the General Post-Office in London upon Tuesday the 27th Instant, but upon Tuesday the 4th of July  next,
            and so continue to go every Fortnight from that time.

            * 9 9 0 4  NEWS  [June 22-26, 1699]

                These are to give  Notice, That the Post will go and return to and from  Tunbridge  (during the Season for drinking the
            Waters) every day in the week, Sundays excepted.

            * 9 9 0 5  NEWS  [August 14-17, 1699]

                At the last Assizes held for the County of Kent, John  Crew of Sittingboume was, by Order of the Post-Master General,
            prosecuted for  furnishing Persons riding Post with Horses for  Hire, not being Deputed by the Post-Master General,  and a
            Verdict was  obtained against him for  the Penalty imposed by the Statute for Erecting and Establishing a Post-Office; And
            several others are under Prosecution for the said Offence.

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