Page 49 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 49


         * 9 2 0 3  NEWS  [May 12-16, 1692]

             These are to give Notice, That during Their Majesties Fleet being at Sea this Summer, a Post will go constantly every
         Day in the Week from the General Letter-Office in London to Portsmouth, except Sundays; from whence Care is taken to
         return Answers accordingly: The Conveyance of Letters to and from that place, being to begin upon, and after Wednesday
         next, the 18th instant.

         * 9 2 0 4  NEWS  [June 23-27, 1692]

             These are to give Notice, That during the Season of Drinking the Tunbridge Waters, a Post will go thither every day in
         the Week from  the General Letter-Office in London, from  and after this present Monday  the 27th instant  (Sundays  only
         excepted), and that Returns will in like manner be made from thence as usual.

         * 9301  NEWS  [January 12-16, 1693]  {Julian Calendar. January 12-16, 1692}

             Whereas all Letters sent to Burton  upon Trent  and the Towns adjacent, did formerly go by Derby Bag, This is to give
         notice, that there is now a sealed Bag goes directly to Burton  three times a Week by way of Lichfield, and Answers will in
         like manner be returned from thence; so that all Persons that send any Letters to Burton, or any Places there adjacent, are
         desired to direct them by Burton Bag in Staffordshire.

         * 9 3 0 2  NEWS  [June 22-26, 1693]

             The Season of Drinking the Waters at Tunbridge  Wells being now at Hand; This is to give Notice, That a Post will go
         thither every  day in  the Week  from  the  General Post Office  in London,  except  Sundays;  and  that care is  taken in  like
         manner to make Returns every day from thence, Mondays only excepted. The first  Conveyance of such Letters began on
         Monday the 26th past.

         * 9 4 0 1  NEWS  [February 22-26, 1694]  {Julian Calendar. February 22-26, 1693}

             These are  to give  Notice,  That  a  Post will,  during  the War,  go  every  day  in  the  Week  (except Sunday)  from  the
         General Letter-Office in London  to Sheerness,  and will  return from  thence as well  on Sundays  as every other day in  the

         * 9 4 0 2  NEWS  [June 21-25, 1694]

             The Season of Drinking the Tunbridge-Wells  Waters being now at hand, This is  to give notice, that the Post will go
         thither from  the General Post-Office every day in the Week, except Sundays;  and will  also return from  thence as well on
        Sundays as every other day in the Week during the said Season, Mondays only excepted.

         * 9 5 0 1  NEWS  [June 20-24, 1695]

             This is to give Notice, That from the 24th Instant, during the Season for Drinking the Waters at Tunbridge,  the Post
        will go to Tunbridge-Wells  from the General Post-Office every day in the Week, except Sundays, and return from thence as
        well on Sundays as every other day, Mondays only excepted.

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