Page 50 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 50


            * 9 6 0 1  NEWS  (March 19-23, 1696]  {Julian Calendar. March 19-23, 1695}
                This is to give Notice, That from and after the 25th instant, a Post will go every day (except Sundays) from the General
            Post Office in London to the City of Oxford, and likewise return from Oxford to London.

            * 9 6 0 2  NEWS  [June 18-21, 1696]

                These are to give notice, That from and after Midsummer-day next, the Post will go and return to and from Tunbridge-
            Wells every day (Mondays excepted) during the Season for Drinking the Waters.

            * 9 6 0 3  NEWS  [November 26-30, 1696]
                These are to give Notice, That upon Wednesday  next,  the 2d of December, a  Post will go from Exeter to Bristol, and
            continue constantly so  to  do twice  a  Week, viz.  Wednesdays  and Saturdays  from Exeter,  and Mondays  and Fridays  from
           Bristol, and will pass through the Towns of Tiverton,  Wellington,  Taunton,  Bridgwater,  and Wells, at all which Places Stages
            are settled, and Letters will be Received, and carefully Dispatched and Delivered.

            * 9 6 0 4  NEWS  [December 21-24, 1696]

                This is to give notice, that Lancellot Plumer and William  Ba"et, are appointed by the Post-master General of England
            to receive all such Letters and Pacquets from Masters of Ships and Vessels, Mariners, and Passengers, as shall be by them
            hereafter brought in any Ships or Vessels into the Port of London, to the end the same may be delivered with speed and
            safety according to their respective Directions, and the Laws of this Kingdom; and that all Masters of Ships or Vessels, and
            all Mariners and Passengers, may the better take notice thereof, the Right Honourable the Lords of the Admiralty have
            Directed, that the Boat employed in this Service do carry Colours, in which there is to be represented a Man on Horseback
           blowing a Post Horn.

           * 9 7 0 1  NEWS  (June 7-10, 1697]

                These are to give notice, That at the George  at Grays in Essex, a Person is appointed by the Post-Master General for
           dispersing all Letters coming from London, directed to Grays  and the several Towns Five Miles round the same in Essex,
           three times  a Week, the same being directed per Gravesend Bag;  and all Letters from  those Places being brought to the
           George at Grays aforesaid, will be from thence three times a Week also convey'd to London, and all other Places, according
           to their respective Directions.

           * 9 7 0 2  NEWS  [June 17-21, 1697]

                These are to give notice, That the Post will upon Friday next, being the 25th of June Instant, begin to go every day to
           Tunbridge,  (Sundays excepted) and continue to do so and return during the Season for Drinking the Waters.

           * 9 7 0 3  NEWS  [July 26-29, 1697]

                These are  to give  notice,  That for  the more  speedy and  certain  Conveyance  of Letters directed to,  and  sent from
           Folkston,  Hyth,  Rumney, and Lydd, in the County of Kent,  a Post-Office is set up and established in those Towns,  and an
           Officer in each Place appointed, so as all Letters to and from thence will be carefully sent and delivered according to their
           Directions Three times a Week.

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