Page 36 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 36


             * 8 3 0 5  NEWS  [June 25-28, 1683)

                 ALL  persons  are  desired  to  take notice,  That  there will  constantly go  every  day  a  Post from  London  to Epsom,
             Letherhead,  Gilford,  Godlyman,  Haslemore,  Midhurst,  Petworth  and Chichester,  and will return to London every day from
             the same places.

             * 8 3 0 6  NEWS  [July 26-30, 1683)

                 Whereas  the  Post  to  Poole,  went  formerly  by  way  of  Blandford,  it  now  goes  off  from  Salisbury,  by  way  of
             Fordengbridge, Christchurch, Wimbome, and so to Poole, by which all the Country thereabouts may be accommodated.

             * 8 3 0 7  NEWS  [August 6-9, 1683)

                 These  are  to give  Notice  that  a  Direct  Post  is  setled  for  the  Conveyance  of Letters  from  London  to  Uxbridge,
             Wiccombe, Beconsfield,  Thame,  Oxford,  Woodstock,  Easton,  Chipping-Norton, Morton-in-Marsh,  Evesham, Worcester,
             Kiddermister, Bewdley,  and Ludlow,  and that there is  a  Branch of that  Post to Shipston upon Stower,  Campden, Stow
             i'th'Would, Alcester, Henley in Arden,  &c. The Post parts from  London on the usual Post-nights, viz. Tuesday, Thursday,
             and Saturday.

             * 8 3 0 8  NEWS  [November 19-22, 1683)

                 These are to give  Notice,  That Mr.  Thomas Rawson being appointed by his  Majesties Post-Master-General,  to  be
             Deputy Post-Master of East-Retford in Lincoln-shire; All persons that have occasion to send Letters or Packets to the said
             Town of Retford, or any other Town or Village within six Miles of it, may direct them to be put in Retford Bag, and they
             will be safely and speedily conveyed by the said Mr. Rawson: The time prefixed for  directing of Letters so, will begin on
             Saturday the 24th of November, 1683.

             * 8 3 0 9  NEWS  [December 17-20, 1683)

                 Whereas the former keeping of Holy days by the Penny-Post  at Christmas,  &c.  has been found to be prejudicial to
             Correspondence. These  are to  give notice  that the  Officers  thereof,  in Conformity  to the  practice  of the  General Post
             Office, will give their attendance at the respective Offices in the several Precincts of the Penny-Post in London, Westminster,
             and the places adjacent, as well in Christmas  as all other Holy days  (Sundays only excepted) and where any of the Letter-
             Receivers are Tradesmen and their Shops not open: Such Persons that send Letters, &c. are desired to leave them at the
             Coffee-Houses known to be appointed for that purpose, that they may be Collected and delivered in due time.

             * 8401  NEWS  [January 7-10, 1684)  {Julian Calendar: January 7-10, 1683}

                 A  Book  having  been lately  published by John  Dunton  called  [The Pleasant Art  of Money Catching]  wherein  the
             Author, among other Collections, to make his Book sell, gave a very false account of the Methods of the Penny-Post; The
             said Dunton thinks himself obliged to make this publick Confession of his Error, and for satisfaction for the Injury done to
             the Office, has taken that part out of all the Books that remain Unsold.

             * 8 4 0 2  NEWS  [January 28-31, 1684)  {Julian Calendar: January 28-31, 1683}

                 We are wanting several Posts from France, Flanders, and Holland, as well as Ireland, the Pacquet-Boats not being able
             to pass, by reason of the abundance of Ice that is on the Coasts.

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