Page 32 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 32


            * 7 8 0 7  NEWS  [September 26-30, 1678]
                 These  are  to  give  Notice,  That  there  will  go  a  Post  every  Night  from  the  General  Letter-Office  in  London  to
            Newmarket, during His Majesties being there.

            * 7 8 0 8  NEWS  [December 26-30, 1678]

                 These are to Certifie  all whom it may concern, That there goes a Post three times  a Week on the usual Post-days,
            Tuesday,  Thursday  and  Saturday,  to  Cranbrook,  Biddenden,  Tenderdin,  Appledove,  Hastings,  Battle,  Roberts Bridge,  and
            places adjacent; And returns in course.

            * 7 9 0 1  NEWS  [June 23-26, 1679]

                 These are to give Notice, That there will go  a Post from  the Letter-Office in London, to Tunbridge,  every day in the
            Week (except Sunday) and make Returns accordingly, during the Season for Drinking the Waters there.

            * 7 9 0 2  NEWS  [September 22-25, 1679]

                These  are  to  give  Notice,  That  during  the  Courts being  at Newmarket,  a  Post will  go  thither  every  day from  the
            General Letter-Office in London.


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