Page 139 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 139

The George V Keyplate 1912 to 1931

1912	  Multiple Crown CA Watermark. Perf 14, continued.

The stamps from 5d upward were printed in two colours, the key plate being in fugitive purple ink. The first
printing of the 6d and above used chalk-surfaced paper; later printings were on ordinary paper and result in
darker shades.

	.	.	.	 .	.

	 Purple & Olive-green	 Purple & Bright purple	  Purple & Orange	            Purple & Black	                   Purple & Red

	36,600	103,080	35,400	 35,520	 36,960

                                                 Dark stamps on plain paper

	.	                                              .	                          .	*                            .

                                                       Paler stamps on chalk-surfaced paper
                              * The 9d stamp is from a sheet that had a broken pin in the perforation comb

Watermark Varieties

	.	.	.

	      Watermark Reversed	                       Watermark Inverted	         Watermark Inverted
   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144