Page 138 - Collection
P. 138

Scouting Around the World                 Russian DP Camp Miinchehof

                                            I February 1949.
Four stamps had been printed from tentati ve plates on I September 1947,
but were not put into use: 18 Pf Peter the Great, 24 Pf Genera l Suvarov,
48 Pf Alexander Pushkin and 84 Pf Kremlin Palace, all with des ign by
B. Kiriu shin . T he stamps were mim eographed on the reverse side of o ld Russ ian
ca lendar pages. Wording in the Ru ss ian lan guage and va lues in German currency.
On 2 1 Jun e 1948 th e o ld Reichsmark a nd Rente nmark were exc hanged for the new
De utsc he Mark. Vio let surcharge in new currency on three stamps.

                           ./00 printed.
                           Stereo RS 7.

                           136 printed.
                           Stereo RS 8.

                           280 printed.
                           Stereo RS 9.
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143