Page 142 - Collection
P. 142

Scouting Around the World                                Russian DP Camp Feldmoching

                                           I June 1950.
Des ign by B. Kiriu shin : Peter the Great's monument and Alexander Pushkin .
Printed by L. Pav lovs ky in Muni ch. Sheets of 16 stamps with one row of
tete- bec hes . Whi te pa pe r w ith o ut g um . Pe rfo rated 11 or imperforated.

Pe1f II. I200 printed.                                   /111pe1forated. 400 printed.
    Stereo RSI 6A.                                              Stereo RS I68.

Pe1f II. 1200 printed.                                   1111pe1forated. ~00 printed.
    Stereo RSI 7A.                                              Stereo RS 178.

                           Tete-beche pair.
                           Stereo RS 16A.

                           1111peiforated. 400 printed.
                                  Stereo RS I88.
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