Page 139 - Collection
P. 139

Scouting Around the World  Russian DP Camp Feldmoching

                                                 I January 1950.
In 1949 after clos ing of the D.P. camp in Monchehof, Krei s Kassel , the remaining Russian
inhabitants were transferred to the D.P. camp in Fe ldmoching, Kreis Munchen. The
Russian Scout Post was also transferred. Emergency Chri stmas holi day issue. Revaluation
(new Deutsche Mark) and perforation of the 1946 and 1949 issues of Monchehof.

   I 2 Pf sold for 10 Pf   8 Pf on 24 Pf Sold for 30 Pf
800 printed Stereo RS 10.   I 20 printed. Stereo RS I 2.

2Pfon 84 Pf soldfor 20 Pf Paper in vario11s shades ofcarmine.
                        280 printed Stereo RS I I.

Cover sent from DP Camp Feldmoching to France, franked with the 8 Pf on 24 Pf R11ssian Scout Post stamp, additionally
   franked with 30 PfGerman stamps and postmarked M1inchen - Feldmoching. I 20 stamps were printed Stereo RS 12.
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