Page 159 - Collection
P. 159

Scouting Around the World                     Ukrainian DP Camp Mittenwald

                  5 July 1947, issues of Ukra ini an DP Scouts.
Co mmemorati ve issue fo r th e 35 th anni versary of Ukra inina n Scoutin g.


Postmark in Ukrainian:"A/17TEN IVALD 7. 7. 19./7 J UBILEE S PRING llOLIDA l"'. Not clear why the "Spring /Joliday" postmark was used in July ...

                                      .alter Grob - Sigrist

                           MiHenwuld          'I, 0 ;1 . ~e s §querettes
                            tK\lP\ cmlclgcb)  1 tt u s a n n e

Registered cover from "Ml7TEN WALD 24.6.5./" 10 Swi1=erland Lale usage of 1he DP pos/age s1a111p and ii is not cancelled.
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