Page 163 - Collection
P. 163

Scouting Around the World               Ukrainian DP Camp Aschaffenburg

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J948-49 Christmas I New Year greetings cards, sent internally in the Aschajfenburg D.P. camp. Postage JO Pfennig
paid, as evidenced by the provisonal postage stamp with text "O. JO I Plastova I poshta I 1949 ". Plastova poshta is
Ukrainian for Scout Post. The provisional postage stamps are printed on yellow paper (above) and white paper
(below). The rectangular green postmark shows a Boy Scout badge, and text "Plastova Poshta I Aschajfenburg".

     Und er Sovi et, Roma nian and Po li sh occupat ion from 1920, Ukraini an sco utin g
     activiti es were abo lished, but continued in western Ukra in e under Czechos lovak
     admini strati on until the Sov iet occupation in October, 1939. Plast survived the Second
     World War and began to flouri sh again in the refu gee camps in Western Europe.


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