Page 92 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 92

Jamaica: 1860 to 1879 Postal History

      Letters Between Jamaica and North America
                                             Pre-Adhesive Ship Letters

                        1763 Letter Carried by Favour from Jamaica (Kingston) to USA (Philadelphia)

                                                                                                 At Kingston
                                                                                               Written 21 Jan 1763.
                                                                                              ‘per favr of Capt Dee’

                                                                                               At Philadelphia
                                                                                                  No markings

                        No charges (PO charges not introduced until 1796).

                              1804 Ship Letter from Jamaica (Kingston) to to USA (Philadelphia)

              At Kingston
           ‘per Brig Fair American
                 Via Balt’

              At Baltimore
               ‘SHIP’ cancel
        receiving mark 20 Apr (1804)

                                                Rated 14½ cents = 2c Ship Fee (from 1799) plus 12½¢ inland for 90 to 150 miles.
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