Page 133 - Pakistan: Beyond the Catalogue
P. 133
The two handstamps employed in this District are of unusual style and it appears that the second
type developed as a result of the first type being too large for use on smaller sized stamps. Only
Service issues were overprinted in shades of purple, in some cases almost appearing as black.
Type 1. Boxed overprint with the old currency shown in figures (eg 0-2-0 = 2 Annas)with the new
currency in plain capitals enclosed in brackets. Length of Paisa 9/1 Omm, Height of letters 2mm,
Size of box 28/29 x 12/13mm. The position of the handstamp is such that horizontal, vertical and
diagonal overprints are encountered. Inverted overprints are also occasionally seen. A rare variety
with the 1 Anna value surcharged.25 Paisa rather than 6 Paisa has been recorded. Used at Khairpur
Mirs, Gambat, Mirwam, Experimental POL 447, Ubauro and Mirpur Mathelo from January 1961
until September 1962.