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1/1&'13 Granham rail accident- Wikipedia, the free enc)dopedia
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Grantham rail acciden Coordinates: 52.9097°N 0.6467°'
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Grantham rail accident oc.curred on 19. SeptetjDer
1906. An evening s1eeping-car and mill train ftom Lokxlon
Kin~ Cross to Edinburgh Waver1ey hauled by Ivatt 'f ti;' 1 Details
No 276 derailed, killing 14. The accident occurred in
mysterious circumstances; the tr3in ran right through I Date 19 September 1906
Grantham station, wrere it was scheduled to stop, and i nme 23:04
derailed on a shatp junction curve at the em of the p~ti>nn,
i Location Grantham, Lincolnshire
which at the time had been set i>r the passing of a freight
train; m definite cause was ever estabmhed as to wh~ the f Coordinates 52.9097°N 0.6467°W
train did not stop as scheduled or obey the signaE at Caution I Country England
am Danger. Rolt (1956) described it as ''the railway I I
I Rail line East Coast Main Line
equivalent of the Marie Celeste [sic]".
Cause Runaway/Overspeed on curve/SPAD
I Contents I Trains I
i Deaths 14
• 1 Events l Injuries 17
• 2 Possible-causes
• 3 Other deraihnmts j List of UK rail accidents by year
• 4 See ako
• 5 References
Late in the night of 19 SepteilDer, the Semi-Fast Mail train was due to stop at Grantham. The signahmn at
Grantham south had~ Down Distant signal at Caution am the signahmn at Grantham North had all of his down
signa.15 at Danger to protect the passing of a goods train from the up N ottingbam Ire to the up train line - crossing
the down main line (the £ on which the mail was rumilig). It was a c1ear night, with patchy rain, but the red eyes
of the signal Janys burred bright in the darkness. The llBil train roared towards the station, apparently missing the
distant signal at Caution When tre readliglts appeared at the end of the plati>rm, it appeared to be going much
too fust to stop, and soire mistook it i>r a run through, not reaTuiing that the train had to stop because of the
jmction points. Much to the alarm of the postal sorters am the station staff who reamed it was the Mail train, it
sped towards Grantham North box where the points were set a~inst it. A loud explosion was l:Eard and :fire lit ur
the entire North yard. Tm Joco1mtive rode the curve btt on the reverse Ctlf\e i>llowing it the long tender derailed
and swept away the parapet of an over bridge fOr 65 yards, befOre fulling off the edge of it In doing so, it derailec
tre Joco1mtive which was shmg broadside across both tracks. The carriages ran down the embankmmt after the
bridge, and onJy the last three rermined undamaged.