Page 89 - Standing Display
P. 89


                DEEP YELLOW A (LIGHT PRINT)               DEEP YELLOW C (BRIGHTEST)             DEEP YELLOW B (DEEPEST)

               These  deep  yellow  (shown  on  page  2  of  this  frame)  are  fascinating  in  terms  of  how  their
               appearances relate to the printing details. The one that is clearly the lightest shade is due to
               lighter inking. The remaining two have a similar depth of inking, however  the brightest in
               appearance has a distinctly lower amount of ochre in its mix.

               It is apparent that there are a number of distinct shades within the shades and perhaps a
               continuous gradation across the whole is better than trying to generate a series of different
               shades. Based on visual appearance some separation into shades is possible, but when the
               printings are studied closely a continuous series is a better description.

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