Page 102 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 102

1921 - 1926         Reza Khan orchestrate the 1921 Coup  The Coup supported
      Reza Khan establish               and raises to Power                      by two Swedish h igh-
      himself as strongman                                                       positioned  officers
                        Swedish  Chiefs  of the Gen darmerie and the Police were involved
     Colonel Reza  Khan who  later established  himself as the  new  Shah and  the  Pahlavi  dynasty  in  1926,  was
     head of Cossack Brigade,  organized  a  Coup d'Etat 21  February  1921. The new  Persian Government of Feb
     1921  recognized  the  new  Bolshevik  government  - and  vice  versa  - while  the  latter  abrogated  the  highly
     unpopular Angli-Persian agreement of 1919. Reza Khans priority was to crush the political revolts and army
     mutinies.  Primarily  it was  the  socialist  Gilan,SSR!,  under  Mirza  Kuchek  Khan  and  supported  by  Soviet
     Russia and the opposition in the country. Discussions to make Persia a  republic like Turkey took also place.
     Although  Soviet  Russia  had  initially  supported  the  Jangali/ SSRI  (Gilan)  Socialist  Republic.  Soviet  now
     switched policy to support the new government of Iran instead!  Consequently the  SSRI was easily  crushed
     like all other revolts that took place in Iran well  into the  1930s. The most important was a  major revolt  for
     "independence" in the oil-rich Khuzestan in the southwest in 1924. Its ruler Sheikh Rhazal of Muhammerah
     was supported by the Bakhtiari tribe and the A.P.O.C. oil company, i e  indirectly  by the British Government.
          Ppc depicting the two main personalities behind the Coup, the new prime m inister Seyed Zia ed-Din and the
                                       new War Minister  Reza  Khan
                       Colonel Lundberg, Chief of the Gendarm·erie is no five from left

                             Agba seyed zfaeddine Minister und Reza Khan  Pahlavi Kriegso:iinister
                      Ara ceile11 snae;i;UH,  llhlilaIOllluHCJI M11u11crp,  11  Pesa X&11 Ilax.11an11,  x0Mau11y1011111il  BO Bpe!WI noiim.1.
                                    Coup d'Etat! Illegal overprinted issued
                 Waybill from Teberan 28 V  I 921  ro  Ko11 m  a rri.ving  12 V I  l 9 2  J

                                                                                             q  nl  f.  iim~
                                                                                       4•i'l't1.\l  u\I  \."-\'.)  "-~

    To  commemorate the  Coup  a  very  small number of the  1915  "Coronation" issue was  overprinted  21  FEV  1921  without the consent of the
    Belgian Postal Director Mr Molitor who was  out  of  the  country.  Upon  his return  he declared  the  issue  illegal first.  Only after srrong political
    pressure did he finally accept it.  Due to  this p rolonged process The issue started circulate only in May and seen  used into June 1921.  Only 50
  ~ach ofthe higher values were overprinted.  Truly commercial items are very limited in comparison to philatelic ones with.funny rates.
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