Page 100 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 100

III.  1918 - 21          Iran Soviet Socialist Republic                       Flirtations with
      Persia war theater                                                           socialism
      also after armistice
                                 Astara Bolshevik censor (The only recorded such)
                             There are several censors attributed to the Gilan campaign
                        Other censors shown here are: the Gilan and #4 Persian Government


                                               Rates: 6ch single
                     Route: From Astara (border town with Russia) 23 June 1920 ·addressed to Teheran
               Note: As customary mail was exchanged between the Government and Rebellion groups in Persia

                                  The only recorded Astara Bolshevik Censor
        The Communists in Persia and in particular in the gilan Republic got a  lot of help from the Russian communists

                                       Enlarged photocopy of the Astara censor

        A rectangular Gilan mark/censor was applied and found either alone on the envelope or  across the postage stamp (rare),
               and  also used as a  real censor by striking partly the closing label. ls recorded used between early June
                     and August i e two months . The Persian Cossack troops  belonging to the Government
                                        occupied Recht on  the 25th Aug.  1920
      At the border of Gilan Governmental forces and "Norperforce", blocked the outlets. All mail from Gilan were censored by
             #4. The Gilan censor was at times  blackened out by a  black rectangular by ink across the Jangalis own
                                      rectangular mark but not on this occasion
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