Page 96 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 96

III.  1918 - 1921          A Coup d'Etat is planned!                    The Shah's own force.
       Persia war theater                                                      From 1920 financed  by
       Also after armistice                                                    England. Disbanded 1922
                             Colonel Reza Khan leader of the Cossack Brigade
         In 1920 Kazvin was the HQ. Now supported by the British. Led by Reza Khan a Coup d'Etat was planned
     The Shah's Cossacks history in Persia started in 1879. Run by Russian officers. A Russian political "weapon"! In 1917 the
       Russian officers dispersed. Although it was around for 30 odd years only 6  items have been recorded attributed to it.

                                                                                        Official' envelope
                                                                                        ofthe Cossack
                                                                                        Brigade's HQ at
                                                                                        Addressed to the
                                                                                        Prime Minister.
                                                                                        The red seal
                                                                                        and the head of
                                                                                        the envelope
                                                                                        suggest that the
                                                                                        sender belonged
                                                                                        to the highest
                                                                             _\         authority within
                                                                                        the Brigade i e
                                                                                        Reza Khan
                                                                                        SentlS Sept 1920
                                                                                        Rate l Sch for
                                                                                        5 i'niscals
                                                                                        Registration l 2ch
                                                                                        On the front a
                                                                                        Censor #5 is

                                                                                           To the left
                                                                                           of the
                                                                                           The seal of
                                                                                           the Cossack
              /,,.   r
                       •  t  J'

     History: When Bolshevism arose many Russian officers left for Russia with the unexpected result that Persian officers got into commanding
     positions. Eventually Colonel Reza Khan (later Reza Shah) became the commander and staged a Coup d'Etat 21 Feb 1921. He was appointed
     War Minister in the new cabinet. As such Reza Khan appointed a British Officer to lead the Cossack Brigade.
     The Cossack Brigade had normally not been used for military purposes. But when the "Swedish Gendarmerie became stronger in  1914 the
     Russians decided to increase heavily the Persian Cossack troops to eventually become many thousand of soldiers. Bolsheviks in Russia tried
     to support Persian revolutionaries in Gilan province and Russian "Red" soldiers were sent there and to Enzeli to clear the area from  "White"
     Russian troops under Denekin. The Cossack troops fought them out.
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