Page 17 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 17

l.A.2.a                 Julfa the 1st Exchange PO
                 New rates to abroad. Increased to 6  chahis during 1st half of 1884
                            Unusual route. Via Tiflis and Konstantinople to England

                                          Rates:  12 chahi double
       Routes: Teheran 5  November 1884, Tabriz 10 Nov, Julfa Tifliz, the port of Saturn presumably, then by ship
                      to Konstantinople, to finally reach Camberley in England on 29 November
         Markings: Two Konstantinople marks. A large blue arrival 12 Nov  1884 and a  smaller departure 25 Nov.
                        Note: Railway across the European continent to England. Four days
            Due to shortages of certain values stock of 1882 issue surcharged in 1888
                                   Registered letter via Julfa to USA
                             Urmia negative registration mark twice recorded only

                             Rates: Double rate 12 chahi. Registration fee:  12 chahi
                  Routes: Urmia in Azarbadjan (Persia) in July 1888 to New York 18 August 1888
                Markings: No further transit marks indicating that "closed bag" was used from Tabriz
                                 Note: Dr Dadkhah's personal expertisation seal
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