Page 21 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 21

I.A.2.b  1886       Baku-Enzeli the 2nd Exchange Offices
                Persia 1-chahi postal stationary wrapper used 1890 to Tiflis via Baku
              Two recorded used properly to abroad i. e. must have either of a  transit or a  receivin.g mark

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                 Rate: The total rate not known as often additional stamps were put on the item itself
                Route: Teheran 4  Sep 1890 to Tiflis 15 Sep 1890 (Julian) via Recht and Baku 13 dep (J)

                                    Registered letter to Egypt 1891

                                        Rate: 7  chahi. Reg fee:  14 chahi
       Route: Teheran Aug 1891 via Enzel-Baku E  POs, to Batum 10 Sep (Julian), ROPIT Konstantinople 17 Sep (J)
                          transiting Alexandria 4 X 91 to Ramie, Egypt, (date unclear)
                                     Note: Address in both French and Russian
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