Page 25 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 25

I.A.2   Persian P  0  in Russian Turkestan serving NE Persia.  ca  1895-96
                       No Russian &  NE Persian exchange POs until early 1896
       A  cart-road  to  Meched  in  Khorasan was  by  d iplomatic  "pressure"  com pleted  a nd  forced  upon  Persia  by
       Russia in 1892 to sup port Russian trade  &  com merce. A postal exchange service was inaugurated in 1896.
       However, it seems as there  was by  1895 a  Persian postal  service from Ashgabad  in to  NE  Persia. Mail using
       a  Persian 5ch stamp for internal rate for  mail addressed to Persia u sing the  cart  road has a ppeared. So far
       only  three  covers  have  been  recorded  all  from  1895.  A  special  cancellation  of "native"  type  i  e  only  in
       Persian was used .  Ma il  from  Persia  received  at the  Persian  PO  in  Ashgabad  has so far not been  recorded.
       Presumably this Persian  PO  was  closed  in  early  1896 when  the official exchange  service  was  established.
       Russia  seems  thus  to  have  "tolerated"  this  Persian  postal  service  u ntil  th e  inauguration  of  the  official
       exchange postal line.  In  the  m ean time a ny  other mail  wa s  using  the official ma il  route via Baku-Enzeli or
       Djulfa EPOs in  north western Pe rsia.  It  wa s an extensive detou r!  See previo us page.
                      Cover from Ashgabad to Yezd via Meched in Hegira 1313 =  1895/96
       The importance of this  cover's usage  - based on my personal research and discovery - is emphasized by the address
       that was printed  in the  letter head in both Russian and Persian stating clearly "Ashabad.  Russie" i e of Russia (and not f.  eJ
                              the insignificant village of Ashkabad in southern Khorasan)
         The cover is addressed  to Yezd and thus has a  transit cancellations of Meched  (at back), and Tabasse quite correct
             As no official archives exist from  the Persian  postal authorities during the  19th century there is little
                              possibility to have this private arrangement officially confirmed
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                                                  HADJI  ABDUL  ROSSUL-ALIEV,          \

                                                                  .: ...  ,  .
                                                                  . _.


               ..  .,,

                                                                                        ..  .

                                                                                 Meshed ~: · ·Pul-i ·1<
                                                                                   Khorasan province

                                            Rate : 5 ch internal rate
                Route: Ashgabad, Russia, 27 August  1895  across the border via Meched 20.9 and Tabasse to Yezd

                       Ashgabad. Enlarged          Transit mark of Meched in Khorassan in NE  Persia
                                                            Date reverted. Ca 80% in size
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