Page 29 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 29  Temporary Exchange POs. Along Persia's NE border
           Firyuza temporary Russian Exchange PO. Replaced Russian Gaudan E PO
                during summer seasons. Persian mail three recorded. All 1915/16
                        Route: Badjguiran - Firyuza E PO - Ashkabad - Baku - Europe



                                             Rates: 5  chahi
       Routes: Badjguiran 28 VIII  1916 via Fiyruza 18 8  16 (Julian) and Ashkabad  19 8  16 (J)  to Switserland
                              Markings: An Ashkabad military censor applied
                         Loophole frontier between Khorasan and Russia
        Mail to and from Khorasan not using the regular postal routes of exchange are known. Many places
         are linked to ancient caravan routes. Between  Lutfabad in Persia and Russian Artik is only 10 km

         19 6  12
         to Artik
         22 6  12
         Both Julian
        To Lutfabad
         in Persia
         retu rned to
         Artik arr
         29 6
         4 7  12 to
         as per m/s.
                                     f  'F '
         Rates:                ,  .•   ___  "  ..  .I·.
                               1<"-  -  ,,...,
         Inland                \. -  (.  :-_  - ·   t-\ i
         rate 7  kop           I •·   -- - ,._
                               \ .. \  rv  J
         applied also           \   (
         into Persia             ~
         in this case
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34