Page 32 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 32

I.A.3                   1904 Parcel Agreement with Russia                                       Julfa E PO

           After UPU intervention Russia finally agreed to a closed parcel bag system
   Normal Parcel Service between Russia and Persia  incl transiting to other countries was established on the  1st
   of Nov  1904  based on UPU-principles.  For  many years  Russia had  refused  Persia using closed  parcel bag
   transit service via Russia. It wanted control of all parcels but finally gave in. Following E POs were established
   - Julfa. In NW
   - Enzeli, Bender-Gez, Mechedisser and Astara at the Caspian Sea:
   - Gaudan (later transferred to nearby Badjguiran) at the Transcaspian border. In NE

                   Julfa Exchange Office in 1907. Insured parcel post from Khoy
   The earliest recorded  and  the  only  before  the  introduction of COLIS  POSTAUX  devices in  1908-09  period
   "trial"  period  for  parcel  mail via  Russia.  The  UPU-designed  parcel  document  was  introduced  BEFORE  the
    Colis Postaux device and 1907 issue had arrived to Julfa post office. Two recorded via Julfa E PO up to 1910

 II     'Coupon.       j                     E)VIPIRE  DE  PERSE.

  I Pent  etrc  dotachc  par  I                                v
       1 "  ""'"'""'"  I  BULLETIN  O'EXPEDITION.

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                           p  -1    Droits  de                    Acheminemenf:                I
                          //:foit!c s. "/\..  donanc  (1 ).
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                        I  ..   .  -.:  ..... :~,..: 'to  :/tJ
                        ·-..-..--mi' ~~....:-~--+~~~~~~~~~~
                                                                                 'IMPllllUllll: .,PHAflOS" 1tKUIA•

        f'.arcel from Khay left via Djulfa E PO on 19 June 1907  and Thorn, Germany on 7 July 1907.  1903 / 06
                       issues used . Total rates incl Insured value 50  francs =  4  kran 13 chahi

                   Special inland delivery and fee system . Irregular UPU-system
    Persia had a  peculiar parcel post delivery and  fee  system during the Qajar period.  Special charge for  inland
    transportatio~ in addition to  international charge for  either outgoing or incoming parcel  maii.  Therefore,  i t
    was  necessary  to  use  agents  at  border  station s.  With  the  1904  agreement  international  UPU-parcel
    documents were introduced.  But UPU  allowed  Persia to  retain its special inland fee.  Thus these documents
    were only cancelled at the exchange border station in  the beginning.
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