Page 33 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 33

I.A.3                   1904 Parcel Agreement with Russia
                         Julfa Exchange border agent parcel  document in 1910
      The only recorded document showing the parcel border arrangements. Only 4  450  parcels handled in 1910
                           "Agent office Persian transit in  Julfa" in Russian violet device
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                    BIO P O
                                         c/11!.l/&1  ...
             IlEPCHnc1rnxrn  TPAHCIIOPTOB1i.

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                      q~cno ~-'1>  c  'h.
                                                                                          Pyfin11. I Ko.n.
            KB!1TaHuii1.  M1icn .1 nyAbl.  I_ C!>yH.
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                                                                                       .....  21~ %

                                                                          ~. !llf. £0


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                                            ArEHTb 6IOPO  nEPCll1ACKll1X

      For  parcf'l  mail thf'!'e  were  3pe"~ial  arange-rnents  ;1s  parc:r:ls  vvocilJ.  only  he  Jei~vt-:re 1 t  i.i.l  t he  borde r  poi ~1t~ ,)f \vherc  orh ·0'..e
                                              1•"'S  had  to  ta lrr  car~ nf  i.~1e borne;- "'c1·osslng) f:'1 rn1~:..1lti~ s.  Sc  pa.reel  card~ woulc!  1 .hu~.- at  l: ·:.:i ·~l  dll  ~1bc·Lt t  .!.q 10.  h c-:
      c;n-:ct.:!ied or..I_v ~lr.  t.h.-:- f.:xc b;1ii.f;~ bc ;der }Jl)Sf.  office~ u ltl1( 1 t~f;f1 tl1e  vver t>  a \ 8 l  C1e 17":..:0o.c  p0.-:>t  of:i-1 1 .;es.
          Paoekn.g,;.  of tea frcr:1 Ve1·sia  h a d  been c!earc d  at  Rmi.sfo.n  customs by t.he Pc"!'sian. T:rar,.;pcrt o n  26
                 ,January 1910 . The p<tclmf" will b·f. rleiiv·er<!& to  it s  offke ln  l::latum as  p er  m /s in  Russian

                /1.ormpmo  1io.1ty 'tttl/l"  .......   .... .............   . ............................................................ .
                1co111opo.My  6.1tazoao.1tume  eosepa111u1w1>  1na1c:J1Ce  u  B1>11Neo311a 1 1e11 ........................ .1CBU11taHIL
                co  pocnucuo10  ua  H ............ Bb  11pie.Ml'b  1uiadu.

                                                    YI'        ~av

                   06p.  Ji;  18a  IC'h  § 42.         rJv~ ~ \.  <-v<' i-
                   11 'xn              1             ;i·o
                 Hill.  ll. l •  .'tO)lliORCl\D.1'0.  H.  74        •.
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