Page 36 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 36

I.A.3               1904 Parcel Agreement with Russia
                  Baku-Enzeli Exchange POs. To Comstantinople.  Route "Russie"
        For unknown  reason  a  canceller  device,  COLIS  POSTAUX  both  machine  printed  (one  value),  and  hand
        stamp on all  other values  between  1907  and  1909  was  introduced.  Altogether  12  parcel  documents are
        recorded  with this CP device.  Seen  used  from  Enzeli,  Julfa  and  Houdan  (Badjguiran).  After  1909  the CF
        device has  not  been recorded .
                   A parcel document from Enzeli via Baku to Constantinople in  1908

                              EMPIRE  DE  PERSE       ~                  VALEIJR  UEyLAREE
         Peut etre detache  par  ~. (:f ..  ·'i~E PERSE  ~""~~~
                               pJ~~ .JJ
            le  destinataire

          Timbre  du  bureau
            d'origine                BULLETIN  D'EXPED:
                            I                     - ----~
           0                ,

                 ~  ) !  ;:.~·;
         Norn  et  Licile  de"   .

                         , i'
             .. .           ,.  ~ ~
                            ""  }

               . ~~ \\  '-'""4   1 ·t                     b' ecficrng..z  b '.;11/rcc  bu  per !JS  be  bcs/i11a/£011 .
              .....   •'  .

             A red  label VALEUR DECLAREE of 250 francs (gold  francs).  Endorsed  No  553/Constaminople/ Poste Russe
         This parcel of 3850 gram was sent from  Enzeli 2 11 t1  OCT 08 via Baku to Constantinople. Total rates incl
                                    insured value 250 franc =  9  Kran  7  chahis
                           The 4-kran yellow of 1907 issue is only  recorded on two items

         A total of only twelwe parcel receipts used with COLIS POST AUX devices for outgoing mail  are recorded
                between 1907  and  1909 when  that cancel/ hand stamp was abolished. All on 1907 issue.
                               On ly five incoming rec orded during the Qajar period
            No of parcels sent to abroad via Russia, and via Bu shire  and Seistan (the two latter via
                 the Indian system) 1904-10* . The Russian route started in late 1905 or 1906
            1904  254  1905  1,090   1906  2,183   1907  2,597   1908  7,872   1909  9,055   1910  5,450
         * UPU official sta tistics
                                   The fees for postage and insurance is not known
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