Page 40 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 40

I.A.4              Russian  Sh ip Mail at the Caspian Sea

                                Kouro-Caspian Steamship  Company, Ltd
                                       is the Russian name  t ranslate d
                           Two recorded of complete postal document of this shipping company

                                            Rate: Foreign rate I 0  kopek
                        Route: Presumably  Baku-Enzeli-Teheran 12/9 ( 1907 in m/ s) - lspha han 20/9
                   All recorded ship mail at the Caspian related to Persia belong practically to the "Caucasus &
                                        Mercury" Steam Shipping Company

                                                 The back  side
                                         The rectangu lar mark is illegible
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