Page 44 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 44

I.A.4               Russian Ship Mail at the Caspian Sea
          Caucasus & Mercury Shipping Line. Special ship cancellation in use  1912-16
         The Persian items prove that also Persian mail was accepted to be posted at sea between Persian ports
                and Baku on the Caucasus &  Mercury line. Only five such Persian items are recorded
                          Paquebot cancel at bottom on Persian mail to Bacu. Two recorded
          BACU-MECHEDISSER oval ship cancellation. The only recorded on Persian mail
                                       Two recorded on Russian mail

                       O)y~ ~Y

                                    c) I/

                                              Rates: 5 chahi to abroad
                          Routes: Mechedisser-Bacu in Nov  1913 by ship. Train to Tiflis and Belgium
                                 Markings: "540" in small circle used by Belgian postman
                                               Paquebot + Transit
       Paquebot used on Persian mail in combination with oval ENZELI-BAKU ship cancellation, type II as transit
                             The only recorded ship mail mark used with Paquebot in combination

                       )  Ce  cUti  est  ud1tsir:e,11eut  it  l'ttJrcs.v.

                                           Rates: 5  chahi to abroad
                   Routes: Posted at sea on August 1914 via Bacu, Tiflis, Europe to Switserland
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