Page 48 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 48

II.  I.D          Constitutional & Revolutionary Times

                            Constitutional crisis &  Anglo-Russian partition of Persia
        The  Constitutional  Revolution,  1905-11,  during  which  a  parliament  and  a  constitutional  monarchy  were
        established as well as a  partition of Persia  in economic zones by  Russia and GB  in  1907,  were  partly a  result of
        Russian  domination  and  the  Great  Game.  Russia  had  important  commercial  interests  in  the  north  and  took
        measures to secure them bv invading Azarbadian. This situation remained until WWI.
                                  Map of the Anglo-Russian Partition of 1907
                                    A division in Economic and Political Zones
        A new constitution had been signed in 1907 and a  parliament, Majlis, established. Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din died shortly
      afterwards wards and was replaced by Shah Muhammed Ali, a  reactionary, who stopped any democratic developement with
                                             support from  Russia


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       The divisions of zones however did not influence the Persian postal services as such. But Russia established their own
                post offices under the Russian postal administrations as well as under the consular systems
                             Ppc depicting Persian soldiers inspecting the canons

                   l                           33.  Canonnlers  Persans        ---~ .)

                                    Routes: Tabriz to Belgium via Julfa about 1910
                                                Rates: 6 chahi
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