Page 51 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 51

I.D  1907 - 14            Russia strengthens its influence                      The Russian zone
      1907 Constitution                                                               extends south to
     and its consequences                                                             lsphahan
                         Supports the new, arch-conservative, Shah Mohammed Ali
    The Persian Constitutional Revolution (Mashrutiyyat)  took place between  1905 and  1911. The new Constitution sought to
     establish a  Western-oriented, democratic civil society in  Persia. The movement had forced  the former Shah to establish the
     first Majlis (parliament), relatively free press, and other reforms at the end of 1906. The new Shah, Mohammed Ali and the
     Russian emperor wanted nothing of that "rubbish". Russian Cossack troops bombarded the Majlis and forced its closure.
                              The bombardement of the Majlis (Parliament)

                                                                                Ppc  depicting the  Russian
                                                                                Commander of th Cossack
                                                                                troops,  Liakhov As Military
                                                                                Governor  of  Teheran  he
                                                                                bombarded  the  Majlis  in
                                                                                1908.  Some leaders of the
                                                                                Movement  were  executed.
                                                                                Sattar  Khan  in  Tabriz
                                                                                made an uprising. Russian
                                                                                troops invaded Tabriz. The
                                                                                uprising  spread  and  the
                                                                                Bakhtijari  clan  in  the
                                                                                south  occupied  Isfahan
                                                                                and  continued  towards
                                                                                Teheran.  Jointly this force
                                                                                and Sattar Khans liberated
                                                                                Teheran,   disposed   the
                                                                                Shah and installed his son
                                                                                Ahmed, a  minor.
                                                                                Routes: From Mechedisser
                                                                                5  V 13 to Brussel arriving
                                                                                13  IV  13
                                                                                Rate 6  chahi to abroad

                          Russian General Consulate in Isfahan envelope with signum
                           ....  ,
      Isfahan                       i-'11v~~~K-~~~r
      to Voronish                                      ~-  .
      400 km south
      of Moscow
      date of arrival          .r~~~
      not clear
      Foreign rate
      13 chahi
      Registration                          c-L/~~~
      fee  13 chahi
      The Russian
      Consulate                             (/_7  ~£~7
      in Isfahan
      was quite huge
      and important
      for Russian                              ~~~~~~
      political and

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