Page 54 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 54

I.4  1907-14     The "Russian" Enzeli-Teheran highway                       "Relais" overprint
        Pre-WWI period                                                              Wawe type post-
        Internal problems                                                           marks
                          Between Recht and Kazvin, special "Relais" mail introduced
       The  postal  authorities  let - on  trial  - along  this  Russian  constructed  and  owned  h~h way  the  horse  relais stage
       owners have a  post office at end of 1911. Traffic was huge. Stamps overprinted "Relais  of 1909 and  1911 issues sold
       at 90% of the, face value to the Relais sta e owners. S  ecial t  e of  ostmark, of so called wawe-  e was introduced.
                 Only two items recorded during trial period using both the stamps and a wawe-type postmark

     postmark of
     Letter sent
     To Enzeli. A
     of 1909 and
     1911 issues.

     No  dates.
     Rate 21 ch
     is for foreign

                           Ehzeli - Teheran highway official mail about 1904
      An official letter from the sub-office in Kazvin addressed to the Russian bank in Teheran. Rate 5  ch+ 16 in reg fee (at back)

                                                  .  t
                           YTIPABJIEHIE                     DIRECTIONDELAROU1'E
                     3H3ERR-TErEPAHCl\OH  UOPOfM t  E N Z E L I - T E R E R A N
                           RA3BlIH'h  (IIepcia).                 KAZVIN  (Pcrse).
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