Page 47 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 47

I.A.4           Russian Ship Lines plying Persian ports                                 TPO

                             Baku - Mechedisser Line.  Insured Money Letter
         A  proof that the TPOs could handle registered and money order mail though both extremely  rare
          The only Insured  oney-Ieuer recordea on sea me11  bel\\een  Per<;1a  and  Rll'>'>ICI  On  the -c&\11"  line  in  913
       F'rom  the  Pers ian Customs tJ  Ber!in  Probab1_y  prepared at  the Sh1pp1ng Agenn  at  \kched  ser  CanceLed  by ships PO


                     1  ~;~.' 7>.J

                                Rate:  Insured  for 200 ro 1 '  54  (2x7k  l Sk & 25k)
            Route·  From  Vec'ied <;-;er  Persian port)  on steamship  .9 9  13  {Julian) sent via  Baku  to  Berlin  1 3  10  13
                     Label·  8aKu  Post-Te.egraph Office \\llh -o· tDenzhnoe =monetary) added by  hand
                      Value of  c ontents m  French currency  533 trancs, 33 centimes,  in  blue crayon

                                                                              A weekly  service operated  by a
                                                                               single ship of the C&M  Co  u s ing
                                                                               the same canceller for  the  both
                                                                               directions.  F'ore1gn-bound mail
                                                                               from  Persian pons was taken
                                                                               back to Baku

                                                                                 Enla rged  view of wax <>ea!
                                                                               Monogra m  of Pers ian Customs
                                        Scan  of back. Ca 75%.  Ex. Casey      (A/ D = Ad m in i<; trauon  Douane<;'
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