Page 46 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 46

l.D 1907 - 14   Persia.n  insured registered letter. Julfa Russian PO
     The constitution
     Its consequences
                            Russian postal service in demand  during revolutionary times
       nsured  mail from  Persia  to  abroad is  rarely seen  during the  Qajar period (till  1926). The  Belgian custom officer at
       ulfa Persian office made u se of the  Russian post office a t Julfa across  the  river  Arax probably  due  to the unstable
       tate of Persia  a t the time. Consequen tly, being near the  border one cou ld u se the Russian postal system.
         Insured letter from Julfa 26 3  07 (Julian) to Belgium. Qfficial Persian "SERVICE" custom envelope used
                               The 011lv recorded usage-across the border of this kind

                                                                          ) .


   Money packet containing 1000 rubles." ln
   Russian m /s (across top  front)
   Weight: 89.5 grams. At left
   Weittht  fee:  10  kopeks  for  each  15  grams  or
   part thereof.  This should have  been  60 kopeks                    UUSTEBE  DES  DOUANES
   but  the accounting  on  back  shows the  sender
   was charged 70 kopeks in error.
                                                                         ROVINCE  DB  :U'AZERBAIDJAN
   Insurance: charged  at the rate of  10 kopeks for                                        )
   each  112.5 rubles of value (or part thereof).
   1000 rubles insurance requires a fee of 90
   kopek  (on  the back)
   Registration fee: 10 kopecks
   Total postage : 170 rubles
   (should have been 160 rubles).
   Red is the equivalent amount in Belgian money.
   The wax seals are inscribed                                      I
   Dzhulfi.nskaya P. T.  Kon.  Eri
   The basis of the evaluation of money trans-
   ferred to another country was Fren ch Franc
   In this case  1000 Russian Ru bles  =  89 French
   franc. Then  the Francs were evaluated in the
   Belgian currency.
    he wax seals are inscribed  Dzhulfinskaya P. T. Kon. Eri
  50 J ulfa post/telegraph office, Erivan (gubemia)
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