Page 42 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 42

I.A.4  Nov 1902  Russian Ship Mail at the Caspian Sea
                           Persia to Persia via Russia. Foreign rate applied
          Persian mail from places in the north near the Russian border to Khorasan often preferred during
           the winter period in particular to send internal mail via Russia as it was both safer and quicker
        From Ghoutchan via Gaudan E POs and Krasnavodsk whence ship mail to B-Gez

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                                  The two scans are within 60 and 75% reduction

                                            Rates:  12 chahis
        Routes: Ghoutchan Nov  1902 via Gaoudan Persian &  Russian E POs and Krasnavodsk  - on the eastern
          side of the Caspian - on 30  Nov (Julian) whence Russian ship mail forwa rded the cover  to Bender-Gez
                  Markings: The Ghoutchan red postal seal was applied by the Belgian post master
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