Page 34 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 34

I.  1904 - 1925+   1904 Parcel UPU-Agreement with Russia                         UPU ru les for EPOs
      New administration                                                              Transparent
      Belgian tough admin                                                             borders
                                         Parcel  Exchange offices
           Russia although member of UPU  had been  reluctant  to let pa rcels tran sit  Russia  to  protect its trade
                   monopol. Eventually changed  its  mind to a llow up to 5  kg to and from Persia
         Parcel form sent from Shanghai  Poste Russe 25 6  1916, 66,80 Rouble, to Enzeli.  Censored in  Baku
                                                                              Russia  had  hitherto  refused
                                                                              custom-free  transit  of  parcel
                                                                              Until  1905  there  was  no  parcel
       Numeros  d'enregistrcment ~a&~ "'")~ 2...-                             post service between  Persia and
       HyMepa  no  no.laBaTe~11bcKoH  KHIII"k _,.0"--'=---=-vy"_, ___ ~~---,,__   Europe and beyond Russia
                                                                              The rules state:
                                  POCCH!.                                     Parcels could be sent
                                                                              a)  to  a  person/agent  living  in
                                                                              any  of  the  designated  EPOs
                                                                              (Julfa,   Badjgiran/Gaudan,
                                                                              Bender-Gez,Meched-lras,  Enzeli
                                                                              Enzeli,  Astara)  would  then  re-
                                                                              send  the  parcel  to  the  receiver
                                                                              by post or other arrangements
                                                                              b)  or  having  the  parcel  sent  in
                                                                              their  own  name,  address  and
                                                                              the  words  post e  restan-  F  ex:
                                      ;  fllo  Uo .    \'fi                   Mr X  at Teheran  poste restante
       Norn  et  prenom  du  destinataire.   1   tl-h   W  !   /"(.           at Enzeli.
       llau1r1000Banie  noJiyqaTt~JlH   ! ~ £I el  ~                          Notice  is  given  by  Post  Office
      ~·:;~·:::~~;:;r~~t:~~                                                   and  sends  it  to  the  person
                                                                              Bulletin.  The  receiver  signs  it
                                                                              designated  to  take  possession
                                                                              of  the  parcel  at  the  EPO  and
                                                                              then  re-sends  it  after  his
       rue  et  ».                                                            instructions f ex by the post
       YJIHUa  H  :Iii
           Poias.  I                                                          The reverse  operation  is used
          .  RJ;c'.b.                                                         for  parcel  being  s e nt  abroad
                                                                              from  Persia
 r. .. t'rz
      -· er~·~                                                                A few years later a  direct
          12  cp /  r                                                         parcel line with Teheran
                                                                              from  the border opened
  -1. ..... : ...   .. ~ ... I

              Only three incoming parcel documents to a  border EPQ recorded  till  1925
                          Ex Liphschutz   Ceruficate Holcorn be
               Loose frontier between Turkestan a nd Khorasan.  Official  EPOs did not alwa ys  exis t
           In Khorasan the u se of irregular postal routes of exchange existed.  Ex Lutfabai:t just inside the Persian border
                      Next  Russian town is Atik,  !Okm. Historically places are linked  to cara.:..~va.:.;~nr,.;o""u""t""e.:.s-"===::....,.-.....;;-;,.-:;-;:...::;-;;;-;;;~

    '"~"._.._. ~M.QtiJant en  timbres  du  droit  percu .

                          . lJl.t  avi~ tero.l~~  du  colis  au  destinataire,  doit  &tre  envoye  a I' AslmLn.is_tratJon  Celltr~le

                                             dont  le  Birecteur  est  re: i)onsable  de  l'etat  des  timbres  y  apposes.
                      ~_,  .>)~  JI ... )  '-if..r  •)-.)4  ~~_),) .JiJ.>  ..1.1.4 J-!P"L....!  .;.il.1  ~ ... _)  ..;\ ~ 1.J..:;..;l .. I ~ ... _)  -.J.;,,_:r..I_

                                                                        ..1.:.\~ J _),)  -J-A....  ~u. ... ~ J}.-

                   Rate: 20kr  !Och.  rt 1s  not was the rates and fees of different parcel services
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