Page 28 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 28

I.B              Russian Quarantine Cordon/Spy nest
                            Persian & British worries of Turbat-i-Haydari
          To control the plague Russia had in addition to disinfection centers for  mail a  Cordon established to
          control all travellers coming from Afghanistan and India via the south  of Persia. Cossack troops were
          stationed in Khorasan. In 1901 the Finn Alexander Iyaz was in charge and later  he was a ppointed
          Russian consul. He remained there till 1912. The British saw the whole project a s a  Russian spy net
        '-'.    Card sent by Iyaz from Turbat-i-Haydari to Irkutsk in  Siberia  1911

                                                                               Alexander  lva novich
                                                                                     l yaz
                                                                                 Head  of the Anti-
                                                                                 Plague protection
                                                                                  Russian consul

                                          Rate: 6  chahi to a broad
               Route: From Torbate-i-Haydari 24 3  1911 via Meched  27  3 a nd Houdan(Gaoudan E POs
                                     to  Irkutsk, Siberia  31 3  1911 (Julian)
                      Gaudan disinfection bluegreen mark. Period II (1904-06)
                                             " 0 6E33APAJKEHO"

                                              Rates: 6  chahi to abroad
             Route: Sabzevar  May 1905, Gaoudan  E  PO  15 May, indistinct  Ru ssia n  3 J u ne  1905 (Julian)
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33