Page 24 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 24

I.A.2.(c)           The Opening of North Eastern Persia                        NE Persia
                  Forerunner to Russia's and NE Persia postal exchange before 1896
        1887 letter from the Head ofTranscaspian Territory, Lieutenant-General A.  V. Komarov to Naser al-Molk
        the Governor of Khorasan in N.E Persia, erroneously sent to Kherson (Russia), readdressed to NE Persia
         The only recorded from the Transcaspian Territory in 1880s or earlier sent to NE Persia
        Russian  official  mail  not  franked.  The  postal  clerc  missread  Khorasan  (in  Persia)  for  Kherson  in
        Russia. The letter was returned to Askhabad where the postal clerc added Persia.  No  charge up to the
        border at Julfa. Either the Persian postmaster at the Persian Julfa E  PO "overlooked" this "problem" as
        the letter was addressed to the Governor of Khorasan or more likely there were special arrangements for
        official mail. Remnants of a  label at the back might have given the real answer -about the treatment.

                                                                 23.04 Askhabad      10.05.Tiflis
                                                                 26.04 Baku          17. 05 .Ashkabad-
                                                                 03.05.Nickolaev    27. 05 Julfa, Armenia
                                                                            (All Julian)
                                                                 No Persian postmarks. Official mail probably delivered
                                                                 Under special arrangements.

                        J.·J   } \.-&. ,;.

                                                                                         Seal real size•

         From Askhabad 23 April  1887. missent to Kherson in  Ukraine  instead of Khorasan.  ("Persia" not stated).
         Mailed via Baku 26 April,  Nikolaev, to Kherson where the postal clarc wrote: "There is no such governor
         general in Kherson." On the front "return to Askhabad" in m/s. Returned via Tiflis  10 May to Askhabad
         17 May.  There "Persia via  Baku" was  added  in m/s at bottom.  Still  the  letter entered  Persia via J ulfa
         (Dzhulfy), 27 May. From there to Meched probably by special agent as there are no Persian postmarks.
            *The ~eal reads "Packet" across the center, and "Staff of Transcaspian Territory" around the edge
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