Page 5 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 5

I.A. 1                    Austrian Routes for Persia
                                    Turkey in Asia or Asia Minor

                Organised routes for mail packets go this area have existed in various
                                          forms for centuries

          To reach Persia mail would be taken from Trebizonde by ship to Batum, Russian territory in
                            Caucasus. Transiting via Tiflis through  Armenia and
                                        Djulfa at the  Persian border

                    This printed  information was published  1862 in England but the route
                                              existed already

                               LETTE R S ~:

                        PERSIA,  TURKEY  IN  ASIA,  OR

                                        ASIA  MINOR,
                        ·.FORWARDED  BY  AUSTRIAN  MAIL  PACKETS.

                           INFORMATION  h as  b een  received  from.
                       .the  Austrian  ·Pqst  Office · t hat  Letters  fo.r
                       -Erzeroum;  and  other parts of the interior , of
                        Armenia,  or  for  Persia,  intended  for  trans-
                        mission  by the Austrian Packets,  should .. be
                        sent to the care  of some  Agent  at Samsoun
                       ,_o_r  ai  ~ebizQnd,  who  -will  forward  them
                        "to  tlieir  destination;  and  that  an· Letter~
                        addressed .to those places in ·Turkey in "'·Asia
                        and Asia Minor lliwhich there are no Austrian
                        Post Offices, should be addressed to the care~ of
                        an  Agent  residing  in  the  nearest·  po~r at
                        which  an  Austrian  Post  Office  haa·;beeri:
                        established.  ·                                  . )fu;.  ·!
                           ·When  not  atldressed  ·to  the  -~~re . 6D.i~"':n.
                        Agent, the po~tage of such Letters  as raF· as
                        the port of disembarkation MUST BE PAID
                        IN ADV ANOE ;  but, even  in that  case~°!tthe
                        further transml.ssion of these  Letters cai:iriot
                        be depended upon.                                .:'.!i~ff.~:-
                                                                         •  .=--·  •  ~  ._.
                                      By Comi:nand of the  Postmaster-General: ;:r~:; .~:.
                                                .     ROWLAND . HILL··.
                        GENER.AL  POST  OFFICE,                   Secretary .. : -~c~'.ri{·
                           29th November, 1862.                           ·., -~ ·  • r
                                                                           ,.  --
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                                   P,..,.t_,  ),,.  W   P  r.. ,,_,_  A  J ........... 1'-....2..  f.-..  A<"'f"I!.,.  W.C.   "• · ~ ~.,.  ~  :
                                                                     -- -'---
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