Page 10 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 10

I.A.1                     Austrian Route for Persia

           To reach Persia mail would be taken from Trebizonde by ship to Batum, Russian territory
                          in Caucasus. Transiting via Tiflis through Armenia and
                                        Djulfa at the Persian border
                  Mail from Persia choosing the Austrian route would use the same route for going to
                             Trebizonde and then forwarded depending on destination
                Mail from Persia - endorsed Teheran - in December 1875 via Trebizonde to Germany
             Austrian Cou rier: The stretch between - Teheran - Tabriz - Djulfa (at the boder w  Russia) - Tiflis
                                           Saturn and - Trebizonde
           At Trebizonde  the  mail went into the normal Austrian mail system. There the letter was marked with a
                              postage due "T"  and 20 soldi by the Austrian post office
                      By  ship to Constantinople and continued via the Austrian route to Germany

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                                               The back side

                                             Reduced to ca 60 %

                             Rate: Courier rare to Trebizonde. Then postage due 20 soldi
            Route: Teheran end December 1875, Trebisonda 22/ 1 (1876, and German cancellation AUSG/9)2/No 2
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