Page 9 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 9

I.A.l         Russian Consular Postal Service at Tabriz                            Pre-UPU
          Two periods: Existed between 1860s-1877. Reestablished between 1914-18

      Russian  Consular  postal  services  from  NW  Persia  to  Russia  predated  the  Persian  postal  services  to
      abroad that started only in Dec1877 when Persia joined the General Postal Union(GPU /UPU) and Russia
      then ended this service. Mail was probably taken in consular bag to be cancelled at Julfa border station
      by  the  Russian  PO  that  had  opened  early  1866.  Note:  The  Russian  mail  services  had  little  or  no
      relationship with the very rudimentary Persian postal system before 1877. The same during WWI
              Letter sent from Tabriz 1867 to Tiflis, Georgia. Russian foreign rate
                                             10 kopek applied
          A rectangular marking "TABRIZ+ date" in Russian, assumed to have been used by the Russia
                                            Consular Postal services

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                   Rates: 10 kopek to abroad. A 10-kopek stamp of 1864/5 issue was applied
             Routes: M/s Tabriz 14 August  1867 to Tiflis in Georgia, Russia via  the border  town of Julfa
        Markings: The rectangular obliterator in  Russian reads "TABRIZ  19 AUG  1867" (Julian), together with
                   a  cyrillic straight line "DESPATCHED FROM JULFA 24 AUG  1867" in Russian
      Also a  truncated "870" cancel applied on the stamp. Whether the postmark was applied already in Tabriz
                           or only at J ulfa is  still debated. Most probably though at Julfa
         This is the earliest of the three recorded Russian  letters via the Russian consular Post Office in Tabriz
                                               Certificate Holcombe
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