Page 71 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 71

II.  1914 - 18        Russia facing German/Turkish resistance                             The "Democrats"
    WWI.Entente contra                                                                        support Germany
    Central Powers                                                                            for independence
                lierman Field Post. "SONDERMISSION P". Field Marshall Count von der Goltz <lies
    Von der Goltz died suddenly and untimely on the 19th of April  1916. He was replaced by Colonel Gleich. in spite of this th
       inscription "Stab von der Goltz, Sondermission P" ("P"  for Persia) remained in a  special handstruck circled device
 ~-~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gen~~~Wma~challGrafWLC
  :8alfonanfid)feforfen  bee  ~ofoniol~ J  ~~~                                          von der Goltz
  friegerbanf  <!. :U.  • :8er~in :m. 35   ""?,;:  ·                           Field Marshall Count w L c Goltz
                                                                               Shown in a  commemorative picture
                                                                               post card from Turkey
                                                                               Published by: Balkanansichtskarter
                                                                               des Kolonialkriegerdank in  Berlin
                                                                               (Wartime Colonial Society)
                                                                               The postage stamps probably does
                                                                               not belong to the card


         WiUy  moralt:  ffiofd)e1m
    flja  6ofia,  tluri  0tJman  uni)  fld111

                                                          ,_.___. - ---- ----.... -~ ...... -._..
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                               ,_-- 1     _,    \~-\\
                                          25AOUT  6      -· -ClJNSTANTiNOPLE-

  Field Post Letter.
  in violet
  Rates; Free of charge
  Routes: Place of departure not
  Known via Konstantinople
  25 August1916 to Berlin
  Two different Ottoman censors
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