Page 66 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 66

II.  1914 - 18            The Gendarmerie goes German                             A Government
    WWI. Entente against                                                              Gendarmerie unit
    Central Powers                                                                    joins the opposition
                             Involved b;1  fighting the Russians under Baratoff
                Nationalistic &  pro-Democratic movements gain support from the Gendarmerie
        The censor reads "Was censored under the provision of the Government Gendarmerie" in Persian. It was applied
                     during December 1915 when under Colonel Pesiyan. Three recorded of this mark


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                  Sent from Hamadan on 11 Dec 1915 and via Teheran 19 Dec arrived Meched 30 Dec 1915
                                                Single Rate 6 chahis
     History: Colonel Mohammed Pesiyan had joined an opposition group the "Democrats• in late 1915 which "forces• were assisted by the entente
                powers i e Turkey and Germany in the.fight against Russian and Britishforces in Hamadan and Kermanchah
   Special note: when the Swedish officers officially left their assignments to return home due to WWI outbreak there were already a number of trained
   Persian officers who took over and continued to run the Gendarmerie.  One of the leading figures was Colonel Mohammed Taghi Khan Pesiyan,  who
   later,  in 1921, revolted in Khurasan,  Meched, against the Government with War Minister Reza Khan (later to be Reza Shah}.  As a result Reza Khan
   dissolved the gendarmerie. The Colonel was executed, of course/

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