Page 67 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 67

1911-1915                The G.G. The "Swedish" Gendarmerie                     Gendarmerie de
      Official period                                                                 Govemement.
                                                                                      Also called The G.G.
                                       Regiment No 7, Boroujerd. Lurestan
      This regiment was set up in about Mayl914 due to sincere troubles with the Lurs in  Lurestan. Major Skjoldebrand then led a force
      of 1200 soldiers and over 600 horses, equipped with machine guns, and field guns. Boroujerd was captured and fortified. Next year,
            1915, the Gendarmerie lost against the Lurs in a battle. De Mare was in charge. Captain Sonesson also participated

                          Sonesson writes to Sweden soon after the defeat against the Lu rs
       An A.R. letter to Sweden censured in Petrograd and possibly one more place. The red seal is censur no 47. The other not clear



      Special large value envelope used to Sweden. Sent from Boroujerd on 19 IV  15, (PN  1910-1932), transiting Hamadan, both arr and dep
     (PN  1911-1924)on 21IV15, Recht arrival &  depart marks (PN  1913-1923)  25 IV 15, then via Caspian Sea to Baku and train across Russia
        Received a Stockholm arrival mark (N 46 a I) on 11  5  15 and forwarded to final destination Karlskrona (N  14) arriving 12/5/1915
                              Double rate 24 chahi. Registration fee 12 chahi. A.R. fee  12 chahi
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