Page 65 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 65

WWI. The G.G or the   Russia censored transiting mail                 Persia surrounded
      "Swedish" Gendarmerie                                                 by big powers. Persia
      dependent on Russia                                                   not "independent"
                           Mail to deceased Swedish gendarmerie officer
     Captain de Hierta belonged to the regiment at Kazvin. When the letter arrived at Kazvin Count Hierta was
                            already dead. He died in a  battle on 20 August 1915 ,
           The letter was thus returned  as per rosa label and a  Kazvin dep. strike was used "26 of August" which
                                  was tied to both the label and the envelope

                                                          Retonr  a l'envoyeur

                                                          Destiuataire  decade

       The rose Persian "Retour a l'envoyeur" / Destinataire decede"'' label  in  French and Persian label is very elusive
                              Only two recorded tied  by strike during Qajar period
                                Tripple rate: 40 ore ; Registration fee:  15 ore
     Route: Jama in Sweden 6. 8.  15 via St:  Petersburg, train to Baku then ship to the Persian port of Enzeli. From Enzeli·
           to Recht arriving 18/8 to continue to Kazvin arriving 21/8. Returned to sender from  Kazvin 26.8 and
                             arrived Stockholm in  September, dare unclear(back stp)
                                 Along the route the cover received a  censor

                        Recht No  2  is unrecorded       A censor from  Moscow
       Note: On the front there a re some manuscripts sue as "Rekl" = Reklamationskontoret = Office for reclamation
       "Forsakringsbok +signatur" in  m/s = Insurance book+ sign.=  are things probably found in the Jetter when opened
                     Bl 766/15 is probably  reclamation number at the Office for Reclamation.
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