Page 181 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 181


             To Exeter, through Marlborough, Devizes, Froom, Wells, Bridgewater, and Taunton, from the Swan with Two Necks,

         -- 8 6 0 5  NEWS  (General Post Office, July 28, 1786)

             THE Bags of Letters from hence of Monday the 24th Instant, for  the following Places, were lost or stolen out of the
         Boot of the Mail Coach at Knutsford, between One and Two o'Clock on Wednesday Morning, viz.
                                      Liverpool,  Ormskirk,  Warrington,  Wigan,  and  Prescot.
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the Person or Persons who stole the
         said Bags,  will  be entitled to  a  Reward  of TWO  HUNDRED  POUNDS;  or if any Person, whether  an Accomplice  in the
         Robbery  or knowing  thereof,  shall  make  Discovery,  whereby  one  or  more  of the  Persons  concerned  therein  may  be
         apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of the Party or Parties, be entitled to the same
         Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 6 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 28, 1786)

             THE Post-Boy bringing the Mail from Haslemere to this Office last Night, was stopt on Milford-Heath, within Three
         Miles of Godalmin, about Half past Nine o'Clock, by a Person on Foot, dressed in a round Frock, who presented a Pistol to
         the Boy, and obliged him to dismount from his Horse. The Robber mounted the Horse, and rode off with the Mail, which
         contained the following Bags of Letters for London, viz.
                                   Arundel,  Midhurst,  Petworth,  Haslemere,  Steyning,  Shoreham.

             Whoever shall apprehend and  convict,  or cause to be apprehended and convicted,  the Person who  committed this
         Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED  POUNDS over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament
         for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall
         make  Discovery,  whereby  the  Person  who  committed  the  same  may  be  apprehended  and  brought  to  Justice,  such
         Discoverer will,  upon Conviction of the Party, be entitled to the same Reward of TWO  HUNDRED POUNDS,  and will also
         receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 6 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 2, 1786)

             JAMES DOBSON,  a Messenger employed in the Penny Post-Office, who stands charged with Felony,  absconded from
         his Lodgings at No. 3, Slater's buildings, Angel-alley, Bishopsgate Without, on Tuesday Evening the 31st past, along with his
             The said James Dobson is about 21 Years of Age, Five Feet Seven Inches high, of a swarthy Complexion, is very near
         sighted, and speaks thick; he wears his own black HF in Curls behind, has a large Scar under his Chin, and another on the
         Top of his Head.                           . 1
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict him, or cause him to be apprehended and convicted, will receive a Reward of
         FlFrY POUNDS.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 6 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 27, 1786)
             MR.  PALMER'S  PIAN  for  the  more  regular,  safe,  and  exp~ditious Conveyance  of His Majesty's  Mails,  is  this  Day
         extended to YORK, and likewise to NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, and EDINBURGH.
             A  SIX  Days  Post  per Week  is  now  established betwixt  this  City  and  the  undermentioned  Post-Towns,  which  are
         accommodated also with a Bye and Cross Post EVERY DAY.

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