Page 183 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 183


         -- 8 7 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 19, 1787)

             THE Post-Boy carrying the MAIL from BODMIN to TRURO, on Thursday night the llth instant, was stopped within two
         miles of Truro, about ten o'clock, by a person mounted on a stout white horse, who presented a pistol to the boy, and took
         from him the Mail which contained the Bags of Letters from hence of Tuesday the 9th inst. for FALMOUTH  and TRURO,
         and the Bags with the Bye-Letters for TRURO, and all other parts of Cornwall beyond Truro.
             One JAMES ELLIOTI, of Padstow, in Cornwall, strongly suspected of being the Robber.
             He is about 30 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, of a sallow complexion, wears a black tye-wig, his natural hair,
         which is beginning to grow out, is also black; he walks ill, owing to his having corns or tender feet; was lately dressed in a
         bluish-grey coat,  a  dark  drab  great-coat  with  three  capes,  and  a  round hat  covered with  oil-skin.  He absconded  from
         Padstow on Saturday Night the 13th instant.
             Whoever shall apprehend  and convict,  or cause to be apprehended  and convicted,  the person who  committed this
         robbery will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED  POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament
         for apprehending Highwaymen; or if any person, whether an Accomplice in the Robbery or knowing thereof, shall make
         Discovery, whereby the person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,
         upon  conviction  of the  party,  be  entitled to  the  same  Reward  of TWO  HUNDRED  POUNDS,  and  will also  receive  His
         Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 7 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, April 20, 1787)
             Gm, otherwise Gabriel Gardiner, late a Letter-Carrier in the Post-Office at Chatham, in Kent, is strongly suspected to
         have taken a Bank Note out of a Letter entrusted to his Care to deliver.
             He is about 19 Years of Age, smooth faced, thin made, about 5 Feet, 5 Inches high, wears his own Hair loose, which is
         of a dark Colour, and is a Native of Chatham, from which Place he absconded on or about the 15th Instant.
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause to be apprehended and convicted,  the  said Gib,  otherwise  Gabriel
         Gardiner, will receive a Reward of Fifty Pounds.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 7 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, May 16, 1787)

             THE Post Boy bringing the Mail from Haslemere to this Office, last Night, was stopt on Milford Heath, within Four
         Miles of Godalmin, about a Quarter before Ten o'Clock, by a tall Man on Foot, dressed in a White round Frock, who, with
         a  naked  Knife,  demanded  and  took  the Mail,  and  ordered the Boy  to  ride  on to  Godalmin.  The Mail  contained  the
         following Bags of Letters for London, viz.

                                 Arundel,  Midhurst,  Petworth,  Haslemere,  Steyning,  and  Shoreham.
             Whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause to be  apprehended and convicted,  the Person who  committed this
         Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS,  over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament
         for apprehending of Highwaymen; or, if any Persofi.i whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall
         make  Discovery  whereby  the  Person  who  comm'itted  the  same  may  be  apprehended  and  brought  to  Justice,  such
         Discoverer will, upon Conviction of the Party, be entitled to the same Reward of TWO  HUNDRED POUNDS,  and will also
         receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         -- 8 7 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 21, 1787)

             A Mail will be made up and dispatched from this Office foi: Halifax in Nova Scotia, on Wednesday the lst of August
         next, by which will be forwarded the Letters for the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada, and all Parts of
         His Majesty's Dominions in North America.

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