Page 187 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 187


         brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of both or either of the Parties, be entitled to the same Reward of
         Two HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                          ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

         -- 8 9 0 1  OTHR  (General-Post-Office, January 20, 1789)

             IN order to guard against the Loss of Bank Notes sent by the Post, it is thought necessary to repeat the Advertisement
         from  this  Office  of the 9th of February,  1782, by recommending it to all Persons who  may have Occasion to send Bank
         Notes by the Post, to cut them in two Parts according to the following Specimen, exactly where it is marked with a black
         Line, and send them by different Posts; first writing the Name, Date and Year at one End of the Note, and the Number and
         Letter at  the  other  End;  by which  Means  each  Part  will  contain  a  sufficient  Specification  of the  whole,  and  prevent
         Difficulty in the Payment of it at the Bank of England to the right Owner, in Case of the Loss of the other Part.
                                                                          ANTHONY TODD, SecY.

                               ...        NO    B  108                                            -
                              c.o                                                                 ~
                              ~    I Promifc  to  p:iy          to  John  Doe,  - - - •  - - or  Bearer,  011
                               ?"\   Demand  the  Sum  of     3rtn  Pounds.
                               ..                               London,  the  9th  Day  of  F~bru:iry,  IjS2.
                              ....,   £   3ten                         For  the  Governor  and  Comp:iny
                              ~                                           of the  Bank of Euglaml.
                              t::    Em~.  Thom:is Styles.                                Richud  Roe:

                                 This Specimen will be put up at every Post-Office in the Kingdom.

         -- 8 9 0 2  0014  (General Post-Office, December 1, 1789)

                     A Lisr of Towns, Villages, &c. in the environs of London, and within the Limits of its Delivery .
                                                     . 1
                         A                     Battle Bridge  ••••••.••.  Midd.   Brixton  Causway  •..•••.•  Surry
            ACTON  East  •••••••••••••  Midd.   Bays  Water  •••••••••••••  Midd.   Breckley  ••••••.•••••.••  Kent
                  West  •••••••••••••  Midd.   Beddington  Corner  •••..•  Surry   Bromley  . • . . . • • • • • • • • • • •  Midd.
            Agostone  (or  Haggerstone)  Midd.   Bethnal  Green  •..•••••••  Midd.   Brompton  • . • • • • . . • . . . • . •  Midd.
                                               Biggin  ••••••••••••••..•  Surry   Bush  Hill  • • • • • • • • • • . • • .  Midd.
                          B                    Blackheath  •••••••••••••  Kent
            Salam  ••••••••••••••••••  Surry   Blackwall  ••••••••••••••  Midd.                 c
            Banbury  ••••••••••••••••  Midd.   Bow  (or  Stratford-l~-Bow) Midd.   Camberwell           Surry
            Barking  ••••••••••••••••  Essex   Brentford  New  ••••••••••  Midd.   Cambridge  Heath  ••••••••  Midd.
            Barnes  • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • •  Surry   Old  • • . • • • • . • •  Midd.   Castle  Bear  ••.•..••.•.•  Midd.
            Battersea  ••••••••••••••  Surry            Butts  ••••••••  Midd.          Hill  •••••••••••.  Midd.

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