Page 182 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 182


         Alnwi ck            Coleshi l l         Holywel l           Morpeth             Shrewsbury
         Ashbourne           Chester             Halifax             Norwich             Stone
         Asaph  St.          Conway              Huddersfield        Newmarket           Stockport
         Bury  St.  Earund' s   Caxton           Howden              Newark               Sheffield
         Bury,  Lancashire   Congleton           Hull                Nottingham           Shields,  North
         Boston              Chesterfield        Harrowgate          Northa!J1)ton        Shields,  South
         Burton  on  Trent   Chorley             Haddington          Nantwich             Sunderland
         Birmingham          Cave,  North        Ives  St.  Huntingdon   Northop          Stourbridge
         Bewdley             Cave,  South        Kidderminster       Newcastle  under  Line   Scarborough
         Bangor              Daventry            Kendal              Newcastle  upon  Tyne   Thetford
         Bradford,  Yorkshire   Darlington       Knutsford           Northwich            Towcester
         Barnesley           Derby               Lynn                Northallerton        Tuxford
         Bawtry              Dudley              Lincoln             Ormskirk             Thorne
         Beverley            Doncaster           Loughborough        Peterborough         Tadcaster
         Bel ford            Durham              Leicester           Preston              Tiddeswel l
         Berwick             Dunbar              Litchfield          Royston              \iii sbech
         Bolton              Edinburgh           Liverpool           Rochdale             Wolverha~ton
         Blackburne          Ferrybrldge         Leek                Retford              Walsall
         Boroughbr i dge     Grantham            Leeds               Rawcl iffe           Warrington
         Bakewell            Gainsborough        Lancaster           Rippon               Wakefield
         Buxton              Gateshead           Marsh               Stilton              Weighton  Market
         Chapel  le  Faith   Garstang            Manchester          Spalding             Wetherby
         Callt>ridge         Huntingdon          Macclesfield        Stamford             Wigan
         Charteri s          Harborough          Middlewich          Stafford             Whitby
         Coventry            Holyhead            Mansfield           Shi ffnal l          Yarmouth
             Early next Spring the Plan will be farther  extended  to  GIASGOW,  ABERDEEN,  to FALMOUTII,  PLYMOUfH,  &c.  and
         the Improvements in the Bye and Cross Posts given to the Remainder of the principal Post Towns.
             N.  B.  The YORK,  the NEWCASTLE,  and the EDINBURGH Mail Coaches go from the Bull and Mouth Inn in Bull and
         Mouth Street; to which House the WORCESTER Mail Coach has been lately removed.
                                                                          CHARLES BONNOR.

         ·· 8 7 0 1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 8, 1787)

             BANK NOTE,  for  £15  No.  513,  dated 2d  November,  1786:  The Person in  Possession of the above  Bank Note, or any
         through whose Hands it may  have  passed since  the 16th November, are  requested to give  immediate  Information at  this
                                                                         ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

         ·· 8 7 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 15, 1787)

             THE Post-boy carrying the Mail from  Bodmin to Truro, on Thursday Night the llth instant, was  stopped within two
         miles of Truro, about  ten o'Clock,  by a Person mounted on a stout White Horse, who presented a Pistol to the Boy,  and
         took from  him  the  Mail which  contained  the  Bags of Letters from  hence of Tuesday the 9th instant,  for  Falmouth  and
         Truro, and the Bags with the Bye Letters for Truro, and all other Parts of Cornwall beyond Truro.
             Whoever shall  apprehend  and  convict,  or cause  to  be  apprehended and  convicted,  the  Person  who  committed  this
         Robbery will be entitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above  the Reward given by Act of Parliament for
         apprehending Highwaymen;  or  if any  Person,  whether  an  Accomplice  in  the  Robbery  or  knowing  thereof,  shall  make
         Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,
         upon Conviction of the Party, be entitled to the same Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also receive His Majesty's
         most gracious Pardon.
                                                                         ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

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