Page 186 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 186


            All Letters for the Leeward Islands, which may be sent by the Jamaica Packet on the first Wednesday in every Month,
         will be conveyed from Barbadoes, either by the Government Vessels of the respective Islands, or by a Brig to be specially
         employed for  that Purpose, in order that the Answers may be prepared against the Arrival of the Leeward Island Packet
         from hence of the Third Wednesday in every Month.
            From the First Wednesday in March to the First Wednesday in October inclusive, each Packet going to New York is
         to touch at  Halifax, and stay there two Days and no longer, in her Way to New York; and each Packet coming from New
         York in the same Months is to touch at Halifax, and stay there two Days, and no longer, in her Way to England.
                                                                         ANTH. TODD, Sec .

         .. g 8 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, May 9, 1788)

            JOHN MARR,  one of the Sorters of Letters in the Inland Department of this Office, is strongly suspected of taking a
         Bank-Bill out of a Letter.
            He is  about Twenty-three  Years of Age,  Five  Feet Six  Inches high,  well-made,  roundish Face, small  flat  Nose,  and
         thick Lips; small light Eyes sunk in his Head, pale and sickly Complexion, and frequently appears gloomy in his Disposition;
         has brown  Hair, sometimes tied behind; was seen at Noon Yesterday at the Orange Coffeehouse, dressed in a dark Blue
         Coat with plain Yellow Buttons, Kerseymere Waistcoat with dark Blue or Brown Stripes, dark striped Corderoy Breeches,
         Boots, and a round Hat.
            He is well known at Field's Burton Alehouse, Henrietta-street; at Jupp's,  Duke's Court, Bow-street; the Crown, Cock
         Court, Ludgate-hill; Middleditch's (the Boxing Club) in the Poultry, and at most Houses about Covent-Garden.
            Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted,  the said John Marr, will be entitled
         to a Reward of FIFI'Y POUNDS.
                                                                        ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

         ··8 8 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, May 26,  1788)

            WILLIAM LEWIN,  of Chesterfield, in  the County of Derby, Weaver, standing charged with forging Indorsements upon
         several Bills of Exchange which were taken out of the Mail that was robbed between Warrington and Northwich the llth of
         March  last,  and  with  uttering  the  same  Bills  at  Leeds  and  Hull  under  the  Name  of  William  Brown:  Whoever  shall
         apprehend and convict,  or cause to be apprehended and convicted, the said William Lewin, will be intitled to a Reward of
         F!FIY POUNDS.                                                            .
            The said William Lewin is about Thirty Years of Age, Five Feet Eight Inches high, ruddy Complexion, black Eyes and
         black Hair,  which he  wears short,  curled, very  thick Legs  and Thighs,  close knee'd;  is  at  present lame  of his  Left Thigh,
         from  a Blow which he lately received; was  seen on Monday last,  the 19th Instant,  at  Burton upon Trent, the next Day at
         Lichfield, and on that Evening within Three Miles of Birmingham, whither he appeared to be going; was then on Foot, and
         was dressed in a  light drab-coloured  Coat, striped Waistcoat,  round Hat, Leather Breeches, and white  Thread Stockings,
         and had  a  white  Apron  tied  round  his Waist;  he  sometimes wears  a  dark brown  Coat.  He was  at  Leeds  on the  22d  of
         March, at Hull on the 18th, and at Tinsley near Sheffield on the 28th of April last.
                                                                        ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.

        ··8 8 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 27, 1788)

           THE Post-Boy carrying the Mail from Barnsley to Wakefield, on the 26th Instant, was attacked by Two Men on Foot,
        about Two o'Clock that Morning, upon Staincross Common, and robbed of the Bags of Letters from hence of the 24th, - for
        Wakefield, Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, and Huddersfield.
           The Robbers are described to be tall Men; one dressed in a blue Jacket, and the other in a Waggoner's Frock.
           Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons who
        committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of T\VO  HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act
        of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Person, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery or knowing
        thereof, shall make discovery whereby both or either of the said Persons who committed the same may be apprehended and

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