Page 184 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 184


           The Packet Postage of One Shilling for each Single Letter, and so in Proportion for Double, Treble and Ounce Letters
        and Packets,  must be paid upon their Delivery into this  Office; and the Inland Postage to London from  all Parts of Great
        Britain and Ireland must also be paid over and above the said Rates, without which they cannot be forwarded.
                                                                        ANTH. TODD, Sec .

        .. 8 7 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, September 18, 1787)

           FROM the first Wednesday in March to the first Wednesday in October inclusive, each Packet going to New York is  to
        touch at Halifax,  and stay there Two Days,  and  no longer,  in  her Way to New York;  and each Packet coming from  New
        York, in the same Months, is to touch at Halifax, and stay there Two Days, and no longer, in her Way to England.
                                                                        ANTHONY TODD, Sec .

        .. 8 7 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 24, 1787)

           A Monthly Post is  established from Halifax to Quebec, through the Province of New Brunswick, and from Quebec to
        Halifax by the same Route.
                                                                        ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

        ··8 7 0 9  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 27, 1787)

           A Mail will be made up at this Office on the First and Third Wednesday of every Month for the West Indies.
           Their Course will be for Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Grenada, and from thence to St. Kitt's and Jamaica, where, instead of
        being detained to receive the Answers to all their Letters from the internal Parts of the Island, they will stay but Forty-eight
        Hours,  and  return by  the Windward  Passage to  England;  and  the next  Packet  will  take up  the Answers  to the Letters
        delivered by the first.
           The Packets will leave at Barbadoes all Letters for the Leeward Islands, which will be conveyed by a Brig to Dominica,
        Antigua, and St. Kitt's, where they will be delivered to the English Packets upon their Arrival from Grenada, and forwarded
        with the rest to Jamaica and England.
           This is a temporary Plan, 'till another upon larger Scale can be carried into Effect.
                                                                       ANTH. TODD, Sec.

       ··8 710  NEWS  (General Post-Office, November 2, 1787)

          A Mail will be made up at this Office on Wednesday next for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec.
          The Packet intended for  New York will proceed first to Halifax, and then to New York; but will not return by Halifax
       to England.
                                                                       ANTH. TODD, Sec.

       ·· 8 7 1 1  NEWS  (General P ost-0 ffice, N ovem her 17, 1787)

          A Mail  will  be  made  up  at  this  Office  for  the  West  Indies  on  Wednesday  next  the  21st  Instant,  being  the  Third
       Wednesday in the Month.
          The  Course of the  Packets will  be  for  Barbadoes,  St..  Vincent's,  Grenada,  St.  Kitt's  and  Jamaica, where,  instead of
       being detained to receive Answers to the Letters from the internal Parts of the Island, they will stay but Forty-eight Hours,
       and then return by the Windward Passage to England, and the next Packet will take up the Answers to the Letters delivered
       by the First.                                   _.
          All Letters for  the Leeward Islands will be conveyed from  Barbadoes by a Brig to Dominica and Antigua, at each of
       Which Island she will take up Letters for  Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for Jamaica, and proceed to St. Kitt's, where
       she will deliver them to be forwarded by the English Packet, upon her Arrival from Grenada.

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